Accuracy Estimation of Traverse Points for the Correlated Adjustment
摘要: 目前导线网平差多采用相关平差法2,3。按该法在网(结点)平差时计算未知数的协因数阵,可以评定结点的点位精度。文献2等均未曾论及各个导线点的精度评定问题。实际上,导线网中的最弱点不一定出现在结点内,为此需全面评定导线点的精度。本文将专门论述导线网相关平差中导线点的精度评定问题。Abstract: At present time, the method of adjustment of correlated observations is mostly adopted in making traverse net adjustment. According to this method, the cofactor matrix of the adjusted parameters and the positional accuracy of the nodal points can be calculated. So far few literature concerned has discussed the problem of accuracy estimation of all the traverse points. And it is this problem in the correlated adjustment of traverse net that is dealt with in the present paper.