Instantaneous Ambiguity Resolution of Short Baselines Using BeiDou Triple Frequency Observations
摘要: 采用三频观测值能组成更多波长更长、噪声较小的观测值;通过依次固定超宽巷、宽巷、窄巷模糊度,可以实现模糊度的快速固定。目前以TCAR、CIR为代表的方法均是基于无几何模型的方法,通过伪距直接求解相位模糊度;由于不同卫星模糊度各自单独求解,没有综合利用所有卫星的观测值信息。基于有几何模型,使用LAMBDA方法进行逐级模糊度固定,依次固定超宽巷、两个宽巷、两个无电离层组合窄巷模糊度,最后使用模糊度固定的两个无电离层组合进行最终基线解算。北斗实测数据验证表明,针对10km的短基线数据,采用本文方法可以实现100%的单历元模糊度固定的成功率。Abstract: More linear combinations with longer wave-length and smaller noise can be formed with triple frequencies,which will accelerate ambiguity resolution. The TCAR and CIR methods are most representative,based on the no-geometry model but these approaches neglect information between satellites. In this paper,a geometry-based step by step ambiguity resolution method is presented,extra wide-lane ambiguities,two wide-lane ambiguities and narrow-lane ambiguities of two ionospheric-free combinations are fixed sequentially. An experiment with real BeiDou observation data demonstrated that for baselines within 10 km,nearly all the ambiguities can be fixed at a single epoch.