Fine Alignment of SINS on Stationary Base Using a Reduced-orderFilter and Equivalence Operation
摘要: 推导了捷联惯导静基座精对准方程,阐明了精对准模型和机械编排之间的等效性操作原理,并进行了可观测性分析,以此给出了精对准简化模型实现的关键技术,通过舍去科氏力项,消除不可观测量,将犫系零偏转为狀系等效零偏估计,三个步骤改进了零速条件下的Kalman滤波自对准模型。试验结果表明,简化模型不仅使得模型大大简化,减轻了计算负担,加快了运行速度,并且保持了原有的快速收敛性和较高的估计精度,是一种优化的静基座精对准方法。Abstract: A fine alignment equation of SINS for a stationary base is derived.Then,an equivalence operation between fine alignment model and mechanization is expatiated and observability analyzed.We propose a key technology for a simplified fine alignment model,which improves the self-alignment Kalman filter model through three strategies;eliminating coriolis force and the unobservable state,transforming the bias in h frame to equivalent bias in n frame.Test results show that a simplified model is optimized as a fine alignment method for a stationary base.It makes the model simpler as well as computation more efficient;meanwhile,fast convergence and high estimation accuracy remain unchanged.