Analysis of Higher-order Ionospheric Effects on Reference Frame Realization and Coordinate Variations
摘要: 根据电离层高阶项改正模型,确定了高阶项延迟对不同GPS观测量的影响量。根据IERS协议2010推荐的最新模型,对全球均匀分布的104个IGS基准站数据进行了重新处理,研究了电离层高阶项延迟(二、三阶项)对坐标参考框架实现及测站坐标的影响,量化了不同地磁模型下的高阶项改正影响变化。结果表明,电离层延迟高阶项改正对参考框架原点有较大影响,犣方向的平移可达20mm,犡、犢方向的平移所受的影响相对较小,大部分维持在5mm以下;电离层高阶项延迟会引起测站坐标变化的区域性偏移现象;地磁模型的不同会导致参考框架原点犣方向有着约10mm的变化,在局部区域也会引起显著的测站坐标变化差异。最后对电离层高阶项改正的影响结果进行了分析与讨论。Abstract: Based on the higher-order ionospheric corrections model,the impact magnitude of higher-or-der ionospheric delay on UPS observables was determined. Then,GPS data from 104 globally distributed IGS stations spanning the years 1999 to 2003 were reprocessed to study the effects of higher-or-der ionospheric corrections on GPS reference frame realization and site coordinates using GAMIT with state of the art models according to the 2010 IERS conventions. We compared the differences generated when applying different geomagnetic models to higher-order delays. Results show that both the reference frame origin and scale are influenced by the higher-order corrections,especially for the Z translation,which can add up to 20 mm,while the X and Y translation had a relatively smaller difference ess than 5 mm. Higher-order ionospheric effects can result in regional bias phenomenon at stations. Differences in the geomagnetic model lead to a change of up to 10 mm for the Z translation. No-table coordinate differences are found in some areas,these results are analyzed and discussed.