
Detection and Correction of  Phase Unwrappin g Errors  in  InSAR Time  Series Analysis  with Discrete Coherent Points

  • 摘要: 提出了一种基于三角形闭合环残差的离散相干点解缠相位误差检测与校正算法该算法能有效提高离散相干点解缠相位的精度 以沧州市沿海地区为实验区域利用2008 2010年18景ENVISAT ASAR数据进行InSAR时序分析对解缠相位跳变误差进行检测和校正并对比校正前后时序分析结果的精度 实验结果显示解缠相位一致性检查和误差校正可以有效改正解缠干涉图中的主要相位跳变误差与改正前相比1.离散点时序累积形变特征的时间连贯性更强减少了很多突跳 2.增加了有效相干点实验区内有效相干点个数由68 000个增加到186 400个3. 两个验证点累积形变量的RMS值分别降低了8.1mm和13.2mm证明了该方法的有效性


    Abstract: Due to  temporal  and spatial  decorrelation and other  noisethe  inte ger-cycle  jumps alwa ys appear  in  the unwrapped phase.It  is well known that  phase unwrapping errors  re present  one of  the major  limitations  of  Interferometric SARInSAR.A phase closure method is  presented  to detect  and correct  phase unwrapping errors  for  discrete  coherent  points  in  InSAR time  series  anal ysis.Its  appli cation  to ENVISAT Advanced Synthetic Aperture RadarASARdata over  the  coastal  zone  of  Cangzhou Hebei Province showed a si gnificant  improvement  in  the  InSAR time  series  results with the number of  valid coherent  pixels  increasing from 68 000to 186 400and the  root mean square RMS decreasing from 13.1mm to  5.3mm and 17.5mm to  4.3mm for  two deforming areas  res pectivel y


