
An Al gorithm for  the Multiview Target  Point Cloud Global Registration

  • 摘要: 针对普通多站标靶点云配准方法需进行基于传统测量设备的控制测量问题提出了一种新的多站标靶点云配准方法 该方法使用三维激光扫描仪和卷尺同时完成点云数据的采集和控制测量外业工作并将经典测边网平差理论引入到多站标靶点云配准领域给出了相应误差方程的构建方法 实验结果不仅表明了该方法的有效性而且证明了三维激光扫描技术应用于控制测量的可行性.


    Abstract: When the multiview tar get  point  clouds were re gistrated  by common al gorithmthe  relevantcontrol  survey field work is  usuall y completed  by using traditional  measuring equi pment.Aiming atreducing contral  survey field worka new multiview tar get  point  cloud  re gistration  al gorithm is  proposed  in  this paper.In  the new al gorithm the point  cloud  data collection and control  survey field work are  completed  simultaneousl y using terrestrial  laser  scanner  and ta pe equi pment.The data processing work of  re gistratin g a multiview tar get  point  cloud  is  accomplished  by introducing classical  trilateration  net  ad justment  theor y and constructing a new error  equation.Experimental  results  not onl y show the validit y of  the proposed alo grithm but also  prove  the  feasibilit y of  using terrestrial  laser scanner  to  complete  control  survey work


