
Investi gation  to Discontinuit y in  the  IGS Final  Ephemeris and Corresponding Treatment

  • 摘要: IGS的事后精密钟差产品采取以天为单位的数据处理策略这导致在天与天之间的交界处卫星的钟差基准不连续 对需要进行跨天数据处理的精密单点定位用户会发生基准跳跃的卫星模糊度在交界历元处不连贯这无异于产生了一个无法修复的非整周的周跳使得滤波需要重新收敛 详细分析了30d每颗卫星跳跃的量级以及对精密单点定位用户的影响在详细阐述IGS钟差解算策略的基础上分析了产生这种不连续性的原因并提出了两种应对策略 在IGS精密钟差产品中加入钟差基准跳跃信息供用户使用 将钟差基准在多天连续估计 最后给出了这两种策略的数据处理结果验证了两种方法的有效性.


    Abstract: As a consequence of  a dail y data processing strate gyan ad jacent  IGS final  precise  clockproduct  dis pla ys discontinuit y at  the  junction of  two successive days.This will  cause  a jump in positioning results  for  the pseudo-rangeand change all  the  related  ambiguities.These  non-inte ger  cycle  sli ps will  re quire  filterin g to make them converge.In this paperthe magnitude  of  the  jump of  every satellite  for  a seven day cycle  is  investi gated  in detail.Thenbased on the  full  discussion  of  the data processing strate gy of  the  IGS centerthe  reasons  for  discontinuit y and the precision of  the  final  clock product  are  presented.Two  counter measures are  proposedone  is  to  insert  the  jump in  the  satellite clock  datum into  the  IGS clock  productthe other  is  to  estimate  the  clock  datum for  ad jacent  days.Finall y the  results  of  the  two processing strate gies  are  presented.


