
Research on Attitude Determination Algorithms Using GPS

  • 摘要: 利用GPS确定载体三维姿态的算法主要包括两类:一类是基于基线和模糊度参数的单基线观测模型,首先解算单基线在参考坐标系中的坐标,然后联合相应载体坐标系坐标解算载体姿态;另一类是基于姿态和模糊度参数的多基线观测模型,同时解算载体姿态和模糊度参数。选取CLAMBDA算法和MC-LAMBDA算法作为两类算法的代表,介绍了两种算法的原理,并结合算例进行了比较与分析。


    Abstract: There exist two main categories of attitude determination approach using globalpositioning systems.The first is based on a single baseline observation model,which choosesbaseline and ambiguity as its parameters.Firstly,the baseline coordinates were estimated inagiven frame.Then,in alliance with the corresponding baseline coordinates in the rigid bodyframe,the attitude was estimated.The second category is based on mutibaseline observationmodel,which takes ambiguity and attitude matrix as its parameters,and solves the ambigui-ty and attitude matrix simultaneously.The CLAMBDA method and MC-LAMBDA methodwere choosen as the representative algorithms of these two categories of approaches,andthey are described in detail,then a comparation and analysis between them were presentedwith numerical examples.


