
Study on Effect of Altitude Error on Position Precision of Double-Star Positioning System

  • 摘要: 分析了两种获得高程的途径对定位精度的影响,推出其误差表达式。大量的仿真分析结果表明,在两种情况下,相同的数字地图高程误差与高度表误差对定位精度的影响完全相同,同时两种高程误差对定位精度影响的规律为:对东西向定位误差影响较小;而对南北向定位误差影响较大,纬度越低影响越大,纬度越高影响越小。


    Abstract: This paper analyzes the effect of two kinds of altitudes provided by barometer and digital map on the position precision,and deduces the error expressions.Many simulation results show that in the two cases,the effects of the same altitude errors on the positioning precision is identical,and the rules that the two altitude errors affect positioning precision can be expressed that altitude error has little effect on the east-west position error,but has large effect on the south-north position error,the lower latitude the larger effect,the higher latitude the less effect.


