
Semiautomatic Extraction of Floor Area Ratio Based on Construction Shadow in High Resolution Remote Sensing Image

  • 摘要: 提出了一种基于建筑物阴影的高分辨率卫星遥感影像建筑物容积率提取方法。首先利用高分辨率遥感影像提取城市大范围建成区建筑物阴影,再通过阴影矢量化、阴影坐标转换,将大比例尺的卫星分幅图进行自动拼接,最终根据阴影与建筑物面积关系回归分析、建筑物朝向分析等进行建筑容积率的计算和半自动提取。对上海中心城区的建筑容积率的提取实验验证了所提方法的有效性。


    Abstract: A method of floor area ratio extraction is proposed by extraction of construction shadow in high resolution remote sensing images. Image processing is used firstly to extract large range construction shadow in urban building area,then these shadow are vectored and the shadow coordinates are converted to spell image contiguity breadth. Secondly, FAR is calculated based on regress analysis between construction shadow area and construction area by taking into account of construction’s orientation. At last,FAR of Shanghai central city zone is extracted and the results are validated. The result indicates that the method can extract FAR in high resolution satellite image effectively.


