
Formalized Description of Indeterminate Geographic Object Based on Fuzzy Degree

  • 摘要: 在对模糊度分析的基础上,研究了地理目标位置与属性不确定性的集成度量策略,提出了基于四元组(x,y,A, D; 的能集成表达位置和属性不确定性的模糊点、模糊线和模糊面的形式化描述方法。以模糊度曲面在建设项目选址空间决策中的应用为例,探讨了基于该形式化描述方法的模糊分析应用。实验结果表明,该形式化描述方法是一种有效集成位置与主题属性不确定性的方法。


    Abstract: This paper designs a formalized description model based on the quartuple( x,y,A, D ;, which integrates the positional and thematic uncertainties of the fuzzy point, fuzzy line and fuzzy region. On the basis of the model, this paper gives a case of the site selection of real estate development to test that the representation method is apt for fuzzy analyses and computation.


