Radar Emitter Recognition of Gray Correlation Based on D-S Reasoning
摘要: 在战场实际环境中,多数情况下传感器设备获得辐射源的信息在时间上是冗余的。针对这种实际侦测环境,基于信息融合的思想,提出了一种新的辐射源识别方法。该方法在灰关联识别的过程中,引入D S证据理论,通过对信号的积累和对信任度的重新分配,对识别结果进行了有效的融合,提高了辐射源的正确识别率。仿真结果表明了该方法的可行性和有效性,为工程应用提供了参考。Abstract: This paper presents a novel approach of emitter recognition according to the idea of information fusion. In the new approach, D-S evidence theory is introduced during the processing of recognition using gray correlation analysis method. By redistributing the subordinate function of observation samples, this approach is effective in fusing the recognition results and improving the probability of accurate recognition. The simulation results show the feasibility and validity of the novel approach.