A Filer Algorithm for LIDAR Intension Image
摘要: 基于激光雷达数据的特点,提出了一种融合的中值滤波算法。运用此算法和传统的中值滤波算法以 及均值算法对激光雷达数据进行了处理,并且使用多种指标对处理的结果进行了比较,证明本算法既保持了 传统中值滤波的优点,又改进了对弱边缘目标的保护Abstract: Based on the character of LIDAR data, a new fusion median filtering algorithm is proposed. The algorithm, median filtering algorithm and mean filtering algorithm are applied, and their results are compared to different evaluation parameters. The conclusion proves the improvement of the proposed algorithm in keeping the advantage of median filtering algorithm under the condition of preserving unclear edge of the image.