Analysis of Parameters and Their Powers of MODIS Drought Monitoring Model
摘要: 以湖北省2003年6、7月份的数据作为试验数据,MODIS干旱监测模型采用最大连续有云天数、最大 连续无云天数、无云百分比和昼夜温差,并分析各参数的显著性和独立性以及对干旱监测的贡献程度,从而确定 各参数在模型中的影响权。结果验证了各参数的显著性和独立性,在没有地面数据验证的情况下,可认为其在 模型中近似等权;利用最大连续有云天数、最大连续无云天数、无云百分比和昼夜温差就能很好地监测旱情。Abstract: With the in-situ soil moisture data of Hubei province in June and July 2003, this papar brings out CCFD, CCD,CFDR and temperature difference (TD) into the drought monitoring model,analyzes their relationships and to what extent they influenced the integrated drought index,so as to make certain their powers in this model. The results show that these parameters have their independence and importance,and using the correlation coefficients as powers is better than that of equal powers.