
Network Analysis Based on Affusion Model

  • 摘要: 基于网络结点虚拟缓冲池的概念,实现了对注水数学模型由注水通道→结点→出水通道到结点→出水通道的简化;通过对水量的分配,建立了复杂的水量控制模型;通过建立增量数学模型和流水扩散的模拟,实现了静态模型到动态模型的转变;通过建立水量的分配策略,为复杂的注水模型拓展了应用空间。


    Abstract: The simplification of network analyses model is achieved, the process is simplified from the affusion channels→crunodes→effusion channels to crunodes→effusion channels, based on the conception of network-crunodes buffer pool. The complicated stream-quantity control model is built up through distribution of the amount of water; and the transformation from static model to dynamic model is achieved by building up increment mathematical model and virtual stream-pervasion; and joints for complicated affusion model are provided by founding distribution strategies.


