
Route Availability Research in Vehicle Navigation Path Analysis

  • 摘要: 定义了规划路径组分段模型和路径可用度指标,提出了基于概率模型方法的路径可用性度量模型。研究了常用的几种路径规划算法,提出了基于路径可用度指标的改进路径规划算法Mod-Dij,并与Dijkstra算法计算的路径进行了比较。结果表明,Mod-Dij得出的路径可满足实用性要求。


    Abstract: The route rationality and availability in path analysis is primary index to present navigator practicability, which is hardly researched at present. Based on subsection definition of route group and route availability index, the availability measurement model for path analysis is put forward using probability method. Supported by the model, a new modified Dijkstra algorithm named Mod-Dij is advanced after several path analysis algorithms are researched according to route availability. The route calculated by Mod-Dij is compared to Dijkstra’s result. It is shown that the route by Mod-Dij is availability clearly and can be used in real navigation widely.


