
Correction of Vertical Free-Air in Marine Magnetic Surveying

  • 摘要: 利用两个实测的海洋地磁异常数据(磁异常剧烈变化和平缓变化),采用向上延拓的方法,通过对实际海洋磁异常的向上垂直空间变化的理论分析,研究了拖鱼位置的上下起伏对获得的磁异常精度的影响,提出了海洋磁力测量垂直空间改正的概念。计算分析表明,拖鱼位置的上下起伏对海洋磁力测量的精度有较大的影响,在进行数据处理时,必须进行垂直空间改正,将整个测区的磁异常改正到平均海面上。


    Abstract: The influence of the undulation of the sensor is analyzed.A new concept of spatial correction of the sensor is brought out.The conclusion shows that within the range of about 10 m of the undulation,the maximum influence value can be about 10 nT.So the spatial correction must be introduced to diminish the influence of the undulation of the sensor.The correction method is studied,and the correction steps are given.


