Geoid Deformation and Elevation Affection Caused by Building Loading
摘要: 以负荷潮理论为基础,利用上海市测绘院所提供的上海市楼群分布数据,计算和分析了高层建筑群作为地表负荷引起的地面径向形变及大地水准面起伏,进而分析其对高程产生的影响。计算结果表明,地面的垂直形变和大地水准面起伏均已达到mm级,大都市高密集建筑群对城市精密工程测量和形变监测影响非常大,在实际应用中应予以充分考虑。Abstract: Based on the loading tide theory,the ground vertical deformation and the geoid undulation caused by loading of neighboring buildings are studied.Further more,the influence on elevation is also considered.The result shows that the ground vertical deformation and the geoid undulation have both reached millimeter magnitude.So it is obvious that the building loading has affected the precise engineering surveying a lot;and it must be seriously considered during the future applying.