Validation and Analysis of the Water-Vapor-Weighted Mean Temperature from T_m-T_s Relationship
摘要: 在中国地区部分无线电探空仪2003~2006年探空资料的基础上,对Bevis回归公式在中国地区的适用性进行了验证和分析。结果表明,利用Bevis回归公式得到的水汽加权平均温度Tm的精度与测站的海拔高度间存在着很强的线性关系。根据这种相关性,对其进行与高度相关的改进,改进后的回归公式可以应用于中国任何地区的水汽加权平均温度的计算。Abstract: We compare the water-vapor weighted temperature Tmb through Tm-Ts relationship of Bevis with the true water-vapor weighted mean temperature Tm based on the radiosonde data observed from 2003 to 2006 in China,and validate the applicability of Tm-Ts relationship of Bevis in China.The conclusion shows that the accuracy of Tmb has highly linear relations with the station heights.Then,we did some corrections to Tmb and the improved Tm-Ts relationship of Bevis can be used to compute the water-vapor-weighted temperature in China with high pricision.