A Novel Matching Method for High Resolution Satellite Imagery Based on Rational Function Model
摘要: 针对线阵推扫式卫星遥感影像的特点,提出了一种利用有理函数模型预测同名像点位置的快速影像匹配方法。经对某地区一对IKONOS立体影像进行匹配试验,验证了算法的稳健性,并与常用的金字塔影像匹配和核线影像匹配的试验结果进行了比较。结果表明,相对于金字塔影像匹配和核线影像匹配,利用有理函数模型预测同名像点的影像匹配方法的效率和成功率都得到了明显的提高。Abstract: According to the characteristics of push-broom satellite imagery,a novel image matching method that determines approximate locations of corresponding points by rational function model(RFM) is proposed.A pair of IKONOS stereo images taken from north America was selected and tested for image matching.The experimental results show that the proposed image matching method is quicker in matching speed and higher in matching success rate compared with pyramid image matching method and epipolar image matching method.