
Brightness Temperature Simulation System and Errors Structure Analysis

  • 摘要: 设计了一个结合大气、陆面和传感器特征,以辐射传输模型为基础的辐射计观测数据模拟系统。该系统可以直接应用到数据同化系统,为校正数据同化模式的静态参数提供基础,同时可以加深人们对辐射机理的理解。针对AMSR-E的配置,分析了地形、大气、模型参数不确定引起的系统模拟误差,发现介电模型和植被模型导致了较大的不确定性。


    Abstract: To meet the need of model development and assimilation development,we design a brightness temperature simulation system based on radiative transfer model, which combine the characteristics of atmosphere, land surface and the sensor. We use the model directly in satellite data assimilation system(SDAS) to correct its static parameters and improve the understanding. The errors structure analysis is performed on errors introduced by topography,atmosphere,uncertainties in the parameterizations of the forward model.


