
Inverse Barometer Correction in Satellite Altimetry and Its Effect on Mean Sea Level Change

  • 摘要: 研究了全球平均大气压的变化特征,分析了传统卫星测高逆气压改正存在的缺陷,并对以常数大气压为参考值、以全球海洋平均大气压为参考值和顾及高频信号的3种逆气压改正进行了对比。根据T/P卫星测高数据对3种改正方法得到的海面高和海平面变化进行了比较分析,相比于前两种逆气压改正,顾及高频信号的逆气压改正最接近海平面的真实响应,可减少卫星测高海面高交叉点不符值RMS约5.70mm,分别提高海平面变化估计精度约18%和12%。


    Abstract: We study the characteristic of global mean atmosphere pressure, and point out the shortcoming of traditional inverse barometer (IB) correction of satellite altimetry. Then, three kinds of inverse barometer corrections are compared in detail based on T/P altimeter data. Compared to the constant referenced IB and global mean value referenced IB, the DAC model based IB correction which high frequency signal is considered shows best, which can reduce the RMS of crossover difference 5.70 mm, and improve the fitting mean square error in sea level change 18% and 12% relative to the constant referenced IB corrected SSH and global mean value referenced IB corrected one, respectively.


