Integration of GPS/Pseudolites Baseline Solution Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition
摘要: 通过经验模态分解(EMD)的多尺度分解与重构结构,依据累积标准化模量的均值随尺幅的变化确定系统误差与噪声分离尺度的选择标准,建立系统趋势分离模型,可以有效地削弱非建模系统误差对基线解算的影响。实验表明,该模型可以很好地削弱双差残差序列的系统误差,整周模糊度固定解的可靠性明显增强,基线向量解的精度明显提高。Abstract: A multi-scale decomposition and reconstruction architecture is defined on the basis of the empirical mode decomposition(EMD) theory,and the systematic errors mitigation model is demonstrated.A standard of the scale selection for the systematic errors elimination is given in terms of the means of the accumulated standardized modes.Then,the scheme of the GPS/PLs baseline solution based on the EMD is suggested.The experimental results show that the proposed scheme dramatically improves the reliability of ambiguity resolution and the precision of baseline vector after systematic error eliminated.