
Construction of Pan-Map Representation Mechanism Based on Visualization Dimension System

  • 摘要: 在信息与通信技术的推动下, 地图可视化表达呈现出突破创新和拓展泛化的趋势, 然而地图设计与制作过程仍然高度依赖制图者的自然智能和专业经验等主观性因素。为适应信息化时代下地图表达与制作的客观化和自动化需求, 同时推进地图学理论方法研究与新型地图可视化技术的同步发展, 首先基于泛地图可视化维度体系和地图功能体系, 建立表达需求与可视化维度的关联关系;然后分析不同可视化维度类型所对应的典型地图可视化形式, 构建表达需求解析→可视化维度组合→表达形式建立→地图表达的泛地图表达机制。这进一步拓展了地图学研究和实践应用, 助力地图设计、表达和制作逐步走向大众化。


    Abstract: With the advancement of information and communication technology (ICT), a large number of new visualization types and techniques of map representation have been developed, and the term of pan-map is proposed due to these new cartography visualizations. However, the map design and production still greatly depend on map makers' experiences and professional skill, which cannot meet new requirement in ICT era. In order to enhance the objective and automatic levels in the process of map design and production in information era, and keep developing of map theories with the new techniques of cartography visualization, this paper aims to develop the visualization mechanism of pan-maps representations. In this paper, the relationships between requirements of pan-map representations and visualization dimension types are constructed based on visualization dimension system and map functions. An analysis on the typical map visualization of different visualization dimension types has been conducted. The visualization mechanism of pan-maps has been constructed and follows the strategy "analysis of representation requirements → combination of visualization dimensions → determination of visualization representation types → map visualization". This study is helpful to the developments of cartography research and applications, the popular map design, representation, and production.


