
Sustainable Urbanization and Territorial Spatial Optimization

  • 摘要: 当前可持续国土空间发展面临重大挑战,面向生态文明和新型城镇化战略需求,探讨可持续城市化和国土空间优化的路径、方法和建模具有重要意义。可持续国土空间发展没有现成路径,探索国土空间优化的中国路径成为必然选择。城市及其周边是国土空间优化的关键地域,全球城市扩张研究表明,城市扩张具有路径依赖性、松散化和低密度化倾向,中国可持续城市化路径应以紧凑、高密度、宜居、低碳为基本特征。耦合可持续城市化的国土空间优化路径应遵循生态优先、节约优先、集约发展、协调发展的理念,重构国土空间规划体系。作为信息技术支撑,国土空间优化决策支持建模应面向可持续从指标量化、目标体系、约束规则等方面重构多目标协同优化模型。


    Abstract: Sustainable territorial spatial development faces severe challenges globally, especially the threats from rapid urbanization. It is important for territorial spatial planning in the new era to explore the principles, methodology and models for the territorial spatial optimization aiming sustainable urbanization from global and national perspectives. This paper rethink the spatial optimization for sustainable development by reviewing the literature on urbanization, spatial optimization and sustainable development. The results show that there is no ready-made path for sustainable territorial spatial development, and sustainability should be the fundamental objective of territorial spatial optimization. Cases from the globe and China show that urban sprawl tends to make cities disperse, decline population density, and fall in a path-dependency. Cities should be laid at the core of territorial spatial optimization. Chinese sustainable urbanization should be characterized by compact development, high-density, livable urban development, and low carbon. The concepts of sustainable urbanization oriented territorial spatial optimization include ecological protection, resource saving, intensive development, and green development, which forms the path of sustainable territorial spatial development. The modeling of territorial spatial optimization can be reconstructed from index system and quantification, setting of objectives, and constraint rules in a multi-objective collaborative optimization model. In this paper, we conclude that China has to build her own way of sustainable spatial development in accordance with the conditions of the nation, promoted by territorial spatial optimization with sustainable urbanization as a core.


