
Early Identification of Serious Geological Hazards with Integrated Remote Sensing Technologies: Thoughts and Recommendations

  • 摘要: 2017年以来,以四川茂县新磨村高位垮塌、金沙江白格滑坡为代表的重大地质灾害多次发生,呈现出隐蔽性强、突发性高、破坏力大等特点,难以早期发现。值得注意的是,尽管地质灾害防治工作已在全国大范围开展并受到国家层面的高度重视与支持,但绝大部分灾害仍发生于全国现有地质灾害隐患点分布以外的区域。对这些人迹罕至、人不能至且观测条件苛刻的地区的重大隐患进行有效早期识别,是当前地质灾害防治工作尚需解决的难题和重要任务。在总结合成孔径雷达干涉测量(interferometric synthetic aperture radar,InSAR)技术特点与其应用局限的基础上,从光学遥感、InSAR、激光雷达等综合遥感测量的角度提出了以“形态、形变、形势”(三形)为观测内容、以定性识别灾害隐患位置、定量监测灾害体变形幅度、依靠综合遥感动态监测数据提升隐患识别能力的技术思路。对未来工作提出了若干建议与思考,以期服务于重大地质灾害隐患综合判断与早期识别工作。


    Abstract: Since 2017, many serious geological disasters have been reported, including the 2017 mountain collapse at high altitudes in Xinmo Village in Mao County, Sichuan Province, and the 2018 Baige landslide in Jinsha River, most of which are of great destructive power and hard to detect in advance. It is worth noting that although the geohazard prevention has been carried out extensively across the whole country which is supported by the state, many of these geological disasters occur outside the potential geohazard points estimated in advance. The early identification of these undetectable geohazards points remains a big challenge and a crucial task in current geohazard prevention work. In this paper, the characteristics of interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) and its inherited limitations are summarized. Based on the integrated remote sensing technologies (including optical, SAR/InSAR and LiDAR), the key observation concept with three forms "morphology, deformation, situation" is proposed. Through the integration of a range of remote sensing technologies, the locations of potential geohazards will be identified qualitatively, and their associated movements will be monitored quantitatively. Finally, a series of thoughts and recommendations are provided to guide our future work for the early detection of serious geological hazards.


