
A Method of Updating Geographical Elements Based on 4D Fluent Ontology Construction Project Spatio-Temporal Data Model

  • 摘要: 地理要素的变化与建设工程行政审批事项密切相关,主要研究面向建设工程行政审批事项的地理要素更新与应用,提出了将建筑本体及其周边地理本体以及由其引起的事件进行关联融合的方法。通过引入4D流本体框架,面向建设工程中建筑规划、建筑产生、建筑持存和建筑消亡4个阶段,设计了建设工程全生命周期时空数据模型,并以建筑本体中的房屋要素为例,开展了地理要素及其对应事件的更新应用研究。研究表明,该模型能够完整记录建筑本体的状态并对其生命周期进行连续性描述,实现了基于建筑本体生命周期的地理本体和要素事件的关联和融合。研究成果对于开展基于事件的地理要素更新、主题分析、专题规划设计等工作具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。


    Abstract: The change of geographical elements is closely related to the government administrative examination and approval of construction project. Aimed at the update and application of geographic elements for the government administerative examination and approval of construction project, this paper proposes the idea of integrating the construction and related ontology and the events caused by the change of ontology's state, establishes a spatio-temporal model of construction life-cycle including construction planning, operation, holding and extinction states based on 4D fluent ontology model, and applies in the updating of geographical elements by building objects. The model can record the states of geographic ontology and describe the life cycle continuous and realize association and integration of the geographic ontologies and key events based on time axes of building entities. And it is of great significance for the development of event-based updating of geographic elements, thematic analysis, and city planning and design.


