
A Method for Automatic Generalization of Urban Settlements Considering Road Network

  • 摘要: 以往居民地自动综合的研究多集中于建筑物的多边形化简,较少考虑到其与街区、道路网的联系。提出了顾及路网结构保持的城镇居民地自动综合模型,此模型包含道路选取和街区内部结构概括两方面。前者基于网眼密度并结合路划功能选取道路数据,用于街区合并;后者则主要涉及建筑物多边形化简,通过改进矩形差分组合方法,在原有面积阈值的基础上添加距离阈值,并提供新的分层化简思路。以1:1万地图数据到1:5万比例尺的自动综合实验验证了本文算法的可行性和有效性。


    Abstract: Researchs on automatic generalization of urban settlements in the past, mostly concentrated on polygon simplification, neglecting the connection with road networks and blocks. This paper pre-sents a method for automatic generalization of urban settlements considering road networks. The ge-neralization is split into two components:road selection and generalization of features within blocks. Selective omission of road features is based on mesh density and evaluated on the function of road sections. An improved method based on rectangle differential model is applied to polygon simplification. Experimental results with data at the 1:10 000 scale achieved good effect.


