
The Application of Split Band Interferometry in Large-scale Bridge Monitoring

  • 摘要: 大跨度桥梁,其变形受风力、温度、车辆等因素的影响,其变化往往达到数十厘米或者更高。这使得利用雷达干涉技术监测其变形存在相位模糊度的问题。子带干涉技术可将距离向宽带频谱分解成两个甚至多个频带,然后进行干涉处理。该技术可以使雷达波长放大10~100倍,从而为m级的变形监测成为可能。详细介绍了子带干涉技术原理和处理方法,通过分别对风力和温度影响下的青马大桥子带干涉结果进行分析,验证子带干涉技术无需进行相位解缠处理在监测大型人工建筑物形变方面的可靠性和优势。


    Abstract: The bridge displacement responses can move from several centimeters to several meters induced by a combination of four major types of loading due to wind, temperature, highway, and railway. One of the main challenges of InSAR technique is phase unwrapping. One can take advantage of this wide band to split it into sub-bands and determine the phase-frequency gradient between the sub-band interferograms. This simulates a SAR system with a much longer carrier wavelength than the actual one, which makes it possible to monitor the meter-scale deformation. This paper presents the theory and method of split bandwidth interferometry in detail, and the effectiveness and advantage of split bandwidth interferometry was verified in feasibility of monitoring structural deformation of Tsingma Bridge under the influence of different factors.


