
An Improved Method to SAR Polarimetric Calibration Based on Reciprocity Judgement Using Distributed Target

  • 摘要: 针对极化SAR定标算法中一些分布式目标并不满足互易性的问题,提出一种对分布式目标互易性进行判断的方法。通过计算选取分布式目标的极化散射矩阵与互易子空间的夹角,来进行互易目标的初步选择,并利用相干性来实现最终分布式目标定标样本的选择。实现了对中电38所海南X波段全极化SAR数据的极化定标,实验证明了该方法的优越性。


    Abstract: At present SAR polarimetric calibration algorithm are assumed to satisfy reciprocity fromdistributed targets.But not all distributed targets satisfy the principle of reciprocity.Aiming to solvethis problem,this paper presents a method to calibration based on reciprocity judgment of distributedtargets.According to the angle between the polarization scattering matrix and the reciprocal matrix ofeach pixel,we select pixels with small angle as the initial reciprocity calibration samples.Then,onthe basis of the coherence of targets,some pixels are selected as the final calibration samples.CECT-38X-band fully polarimetric data were completed by combining a typical calibration algorithm and se-lected distributed targets using the proposed method.Experiments show that this method,using dis-tributed targets,can be well applied to SAR polarimetric calibration.


