Travel Time Detection at Intersections from Taxis' Trace Data
摘要: 交叉口是城市交通网络中各向交通流汇聚和转向的核心部位,往往形成城市交通的"瓶颈"和"堵点",其通行时间具有很大的不确定性。利用低频时空GPS轨迹数据,本文分析了交叉口的不同通行模式,动态确定不同通行模式下的交叉口范围,建立了交叉口通行时间的模糊回归模型,实现了交叉口通行时间的准确探测。以武汉市路网和GPS轨迹数据为例进行了实验验证,结果表明本文方法能够有效探测交叉口通行时间。Abstract: Intersections are the critical points of urban transportation, acting as bottlenecks and clog points in urban traffic. The travel time through intersections is highly uncertain and comprises a large proportion of the overall travel time. Detecting the intersection travel time in different turning directions could contribute to improved efficiency in urban transportation. Based on low-frequency spatial-temporal GPS trajectory data, this paper presents a method to detect the intersection travel time. We analyzed four different travel patterns of vehicles according to the trajectory points through intersections. An improved point density method was used to determine the range of an intersection with different travel patterns, reasonably and dynamically. A fuzzy regression model was established to detect intersection travel time accurately. Traffic free flow speed and delays can also be obtained from the proposed method. Wuhan road network and GPS trajectory data were tested in experiments, and the results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in detecting intersection travel time.