
Polarimetric Interferometry SAR Coherence Using the Field of Matrix

  • 摘要: 极化SAR干涉测量 (PolInSAR)的相干性是反演植被参数的重要信息来源,极化空间中不同极化状态对应的相干性分布与复极化相干矩阵的值域相关。本文讨论了不同结构的复极化相干矩阵值域的特点,分析了不同极化状态下干涉相干性与复极化相干矩阵的值域的关系。利用模拟数据和真实全极化SAR数据分析了滑动窗口大小和不同散射体对复极化干涉矩阵值域的影响,以及复极化干涉矩阵的结构对极化干涉SAR相干性分布空间的影响,有助于更加准确地获取极化干涉SAR最优极化基和估计最优相干性。


    Abstract: Polarimetric interferometry SAR (PolInSAR) coherence is important information when solving the coherence optimization problem such as when executing forest parameter inversion. The distribution of coherences, the set of coherence with different polarimetric bases, is related to the field of values in a complex coherence matrix. It is discussed the specialty of the field of values of complex coherence matrix with different formation, and the relationship between the coherence with different polarimetric states and the field of values of complex coherence matrix. Using simulated SAR data and real SAR data, the influence of the sizes of window and scatters type on the field of values of a complex coherence matrix are evaluated. The results indicate that the field of values of coherence matrix can provide a new method to obtain optimal polarimetric bases and optimal coherence.


