
Auto-Labeling of Hash Anea Features

  • 摘要: 参照国家标准图式规范,结合格式塔心理学,总结了散列式面状注记的配置规则,提出了一种新的自动配置方法。首先,用凸包格网法计算注记的候选位置;然后,用影响注记位置的格式塔因子对候选位置进行质量评价;最后,依据冲突规则得到全局最优解。该方法有效地利用了散列式面状要素周边的区域,扩充了注记的可调节性,并被成功地应用于1∶5万地形图的数字制图中。


    Abstract: We focus on how to automatically place annotation for hash area features and proposes a new method with reference to the compilation specifications for "cartographic symbols for national fundamental scale maps" and Gestalt psychology theory.At first,the candidate positions are generated with convex-grid Method.Then,they are evacuated with the Gestalt factors on the annotation.Finally,the global optimum location of annotation is determined by "conflict" rule.Utilizing the peripheral zone of features is a notable merit of this method.The method has been successfully used in producing topographic maps at 1∶50 000 scale.


