
Measurement of Information and Uncertainty of Remote Sensing and GIS Data

  • 摘要: 讨论了遥感、GIS数据的不确定性与信息论中的不确定性间的联系,导出了GIS图形数据与遥感影像数据的信息量估算式,提出了位置疑义度和属性疑义度等概念。在统一的数学基础上,估算几何位置误差和属性正确率不足引起的不确定性,从而建立起遥感影像与GIS图形数据的信息量及不确定性的统一量度。


    Abstract: The relation between the concept of remote sensing/GIS uncertainty and the uncertainty of information theory is discussed,to enable quantitative evaluation of the measurement of information and uncertainty of remote sensing and GIS data.The formulation for calculating information content of GIS graphics data is inferred based on the definition of uncertain degree in information theory.With this formulation,the information of geometric position and attribute can be measured in the unit of bit.Furthermore,the information of any geographic target in GIS is measurable by considering the doubtfulness of geometric position and attribute.Besides GIS vector data,the information of remote sensing raster imagery is also discussed.


