key technologies of real-time flood and storm sur ge forecasting for pearl river delta
Graphical Abstract
a 2dhydrodynamic real -time forecasting model for pearl river delta considering the interaction among floodtide and storm surge built based on the demands efficienc y and accurac y.the study area of the model covers whole river networkei ght river mouths of the delta and the sea bay.the finitevolume method based on unstructured mesh adopted to insure mass introducing asemi -implicit eulerian-lagrangian al gorithm to the process of solving shallow water equationsthecomputational efficienc y combining the tide and storm surge model of south china seato get the offshore boundary and using re gression coefficient method to correct mannings coeffi-cientsthe precision of the numerical solution is effectivel y advanced.flood and storm surge real -timeforecasting system pearl river delta developed based on three-tier browserserver inte grates the components of simulation visualization and anal ysis using web services and webgistechnolo gies.the application of typhoon hagupit200814 forecasting indicates the key technologies presented in paper can improve the efficienc y and accurac y of flood and storm surge forecasting tosome extent.