Topological Conflict Detection and Consistency Maintenance Method in Process of Area Entities Incremental Integration
Graphical Abstract
In order to solve the problems such as strong limitations, low versatility and efficiency, and inaccurate topological difference identification of topological conflict detection and consistency maintenance method, et al, in the process of area entities incremental integration, a new topological conflict detection and consistency maintenance method based spatial relation model is proposed. The integrated spatial relationship expression model is designed with qualitative area entities topological relation types, and quantitative geometric features on the premise of area incremental entities. Area entities topological conflict detection and consistency maintenance algorithm is designed and integrated with a standard of incremental area entities topological relationships in the latest version of the database. Experimental results show that the experimental accuracy can reach 90%, and the method can do the work of topological conflict detection and consistency maintenance method in the process of area entities incremental integration very well with good pertinence and applicability.