A Novel SAR Image Locally Statistical Active Contour Model and Algorithm
Graphical Abstract
Recently,variational level set method is widely used in image segmentation,but its energyfunctional is non-convex,which can easily get stuck in local minima.Firstly,we propose a locally(下转第637页) 第40卷第5期段 平等:顾及异向性的局部径向基函数三维空间插值637 (3D),local radial basis function(RBF)interpolation based on exploring spatial anisotropy with vario-gram analysis was proposed.Firstly,three axes of the data was solved by constructing covariance ma-trix of the sampling point data and then the data was transformed into the new coordinate system byrotating transformation;the range of each direction was calculated using geostatistical variograms;thethree values of range was set as three axes of the ellipsoid;at last,node RBF at each sample point wasbuilt.The attribute values of interpolation were solved by linear combination of node RBF.Experi-mental results show that the proposed method is a feasible method for 3Dspatial interpolation consid-ering anisotropy with high accuracy and reliable interpolation result.