Spatial Association Analysis of Network SpatialPhenomena with the Q Statistic
Graphical Abstract
Objective The analysis and discovery of spatial association is a hot issue in the field of spatial data min-ing.However,a little attention has been paid to the spatial association of network spatial phenomena.The objective of this article is to demonstrate the application of the Q statistic,developed for the anal-ysis of the spatial association of qualitative variables,to the detection of spatial association of the net-work spatial phenomena.This paper introduces the Q statistic concept,and defines distance measureby the shortest path.The spatial association of the hotels in Shenzhen city in China are analyzed usingthe Q statistic.A comparative analysis of the Q statistic in Euclidean space and network space wasconducted.The results show the agglomeration effects among hotels from a spatial data mining per-spective.Results also show that the Q statistic is valid for spatial association analysis of network spa-tial phenomena.