Kalman Filtering Model of Dynamic Deformation Based on Wavelet Analysis
摘要: 对GPS动态形变测量信号的性质进行了分析,采用小波分析对GPS动态变形数据滤波、变形特征提取和不同变形频率分离。与Kalman滤波方法相结合,首次提出基于小波分析的Kalman滤波动态变形分析模型,研究其参数设计和算法,并用MATLAB与C语言在微机上编程实现。对比大坝实测数据的处理结果可知,通过对原始观测值进行小波分析与Kalman滤波的联合处理,能克服只使用单一方法进行GPS数据噪声处理的不足。Abstract: By analyzing the data obtained by GPS in dynamic deformation, wavelet analysis is used to filter GPS data of dynamic deformation, distill deformation character and separate different frequency of deformation.Then this paper puts forward the research on Kalman filtering model of dynamic deformation based on wavelet analysis, through combining wavelet analysis with Kalman filtering. The result of the united model is advantageous to enhance and improve GPS data accuracy and its effect is notable, which indicates the superiority to single deformation model.