
Evaluation of TrackRT for Real-Time Deformation Monitoring

  • 摘要: 在相对实时动态定位软件TrackRT的基础上进行二次开发,完善了数据流实时传输与解码,并设计了两组模拟地面运动的观测实验,分别对TrackRT水平向和垂直向上的内外符合精度进行了评定。结果表明,在观测数据质量较好的情况下,实时定位水平分量精度优于2cm,垂向分量精度优于4cm。


    Abstract: This paper provides an overview of the TrackRT following up with a focus on precision as-sessment.Aiming at evaluating both inner and outside line precision,the input section in TrackRT isredeveloped,and two groups of ground motion experiments were designed.Comparing the resultingcoordinate trajectories with actual trajectories,the experiments illustrat that a real time kinematic po-sition accuracy can be achieved with accuracy at 2cm for horizontal components and better than 4cmfor vertical components,respectively.


