
Spatial-Temporal Evolvement Trends of Mesoscale Convective Systems over Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau

  • 摘要: 利用1998年6~8月地球静止气象卫星(GMS-5)的青藏高原逐时红外遥感云图计算得到的云顶黑体辐射温度(TBB)资料,与青藏高原高分辨率有限区域的数值预报值相结合,运用计算机自动识别与跟踪等技术,对青藏高原上的中尺度对流系统(mesoscale convective systems,MCS)的移动和传播规律及其与周围环境物理量场的模型关系进行了研究,并以决策规则和概略模型图的形式对研究结果作出了有效的表达。


    Abstract: An automatic meteorological data mining approach is presented based on two kinds of heterogeneous satellite datasets,temperature black body(TBB) remote sensing imagery and high resolution limited area analysis and forecasting system(HLAFS) data,aiming to analyze the meteorological evolvement trends and patterns of MCS and discover the hidden correlations and causalities between the environmental physical fields and the eastward evolvement trends of MCS.Research results are provided in the form of decision rules and environmental physical model graphs to express the hidden knowledge effectively and understandably.


