Inundation Extent Mapping for Poyang Lake with Digital Elevation Models
摘要: 利用13幅Landsat TM/ETM+鄱阳湖区遥感影像,提取不同水位下的淹水范围,根据淹水面积与湖内7个水文站水位相关性,确定都昌水文站水位能够最好控制鄱阳湖水面范围。为了改善中低水位条件下淹水范围的制图精度,将遥感提取的水体边界作为水位等值线,插值建立鄱阳湖基于水体边界的数字高程模型(taterline-based DEM,WL_DEM),利用WL_DEM和都昌水位实现中低水位淹水范围制图。结果表明,中低水位条件下,基于WL_DEM的淹水范围制图精度都有显著提高。Abstract: In this paper,Landsat TM/ETM+ images taken on 13 different dates were used to pick up the inundation extent and the inundation area were related with the lake levels measured at the 7 hydrological stations.Lake levels from Duchang station have the best correlation with the inundation area.With the contour based digital elevation model(CB_DEM) and CB_DEM,the inundation extent were mapped and compared with the remotely sensed inundation extent.It showes reasonably accurate for high lake levels but not for medium and low lake levels.Boundaries of the remotely sensed inundation extents were labeled with simultaneous lake-level measurements taken at a Duchang hydrological station and interpolated to create a Waterline based DEM(WL_DEM).And the Duchang lake levels and WL_DEM were used to map the inundation extent for medium and low lake level.It showes that the accuracy were improved by using WL_DEM at medium lake levels,but had relatively high errors at low lake levels.