
Influence of Absolute Antenna Corrections on GPS Precise Positioning

  • 摘要: 介绍了GPS相对天线相位改正模型和绝对天线相位改正模型,通过不同尺度、仪器、卫星截止高度角的GPS网数据处理,分析了绝对天线相位改正对高精度GPS数据处理的影响。


    Abstract: GPS precise data processing requires accurate antenna phase-center corrections.In the last decade,the traditional relative antenna phase-center correction was replaced by absolute antenna phase-center correction.We present the recently developed absolute antenna phase-center corrections.Then,we study the influence of this model on GPS precise data processing that is studied by analyzing GPS network with different antenna type,difference scale and difference elevation.Based on these analyses,we demonstrate the difference between relative and absolute antenna corrections,and the factors that impact the baseline solution by absolute antenna corrections.Finally,some suggestions are also given.


