Lattice-based Blind Signature Schemes
摘要: 利用原像抽样函数,在整数格上设计了一个2轮盲签名方案,实现了消息对签名者的无条件盲性,在随机预言机模型下,基于格上最小整数解(SIS)问题的困难性假设,证明盲签名方案满足one-more不可伪造性。与Markus Rückert设计的格上基于原像抽样函数的3轮盲签名比较,新方案签名轮数更少,签名长度更短,因此效率更高,而且新方案有效地解决了Markus Rückert方案中存在的签名失败问题。Abstract: Using preimage sampleable functions,we propose a new lattice-based two moves blind signature scheme.The proposed scheme is not only unconditionally blind but also one-more unforgeable due to the hardness of the shortest integral solution on lattice,which is proved in the random oracle model.Compared with a well known lattice-based three moves blind signature scheme introduced by Markus Rückert,it shows that the proposed scheme can avoid the failure to sign,Moreover,the proposed scheme has less moves(two moves) and shorter length of signature.Hence it can be concluded that the proposed scheme is more efficient than the known lattice-based blind signature scheme.