
Design of Compatibility Scheme on TCM Software Stack

  • 摘要: 提出了可信密码模块软件栈的兼容性设计方案,采用软件工程中的策略模式,在软件栈TSS基础上内置兼容解释器,对应用和TCM的交互进行数据流解析以及数据结构和授权协议的转换,为上层应用提供统一的服务接口。该方案使得基于TPM开发的可信应用不需修改或只需少量修改就可以应用于TCM。测试表明,可信密码模块软件栈完成了应用层调用可信功能的透明转换,实现了应用兼容。


    Abstract: Due to the differences of cryptography and key management model between TCM and TPM,an application which is developed based on TPM could not access TCM through existing software without modification.To solve this problem,we propose a new TCM software stack.It supplies a uniform interface orienting to applications for shielding the difference of chips.Compatibility explainer,the key component of TCM software stack,converses commands and data structures,constructs and resolve information string during the authorization protocols.The design of TCM software stack is guided with strategy pattern and its implementation is based on a TSS instance and the interface definition of TSPI.Through the emulation of TCM software stack and comparison with other related work,the result shows that the compatibility problem has been solved.


