Universal Map Projection Selection
摘要: 在分析现有的地图投影选择、评价标准和地图投影形变量之间关系的基础上,尝试引入形状比、长度比和面积比的概念,作为通用地图投影的选择、评价的基本度量指标,并通过层次分析法确定其权重,为通用地图投影的选择提供了思路,并通过实验验证了该方法的可行性与合理性。Abstract: The selection criterions which are normally used for map projection are veviewed.This paper tries to employ shape ratio' as one of the basic factors in the assessment process.Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) is also used to maintain the weights of the related factors.Experiment has been done to verify the feasibilities and rationalities.