GNSS Data Processing with Mixed Single and Dual Frequency Receivers for High Accuracy Near Real-time Weather Monitoring
摘要: 基于新的区域电离层模型SEID,结合大范围近实时气象反演的特点对该模型构建方法进行了一定发展,提出了一套基于双频参考站网的GNSS单频接收机大范围近实时气象监测网解数据处理策略,并利用山西CORS网及周边多个IGS站连续一周的实测数据,对在不同范围参考网内应用该策略实现单频接收机近实时气象反演的精度和可行性进行了验证分析。实验结果表明,对于山西省内249km以下的参考网,利用网内单频接收机能够满足区域近实时1~2mm精度PWV的反演要求。Abstract: Here we introduced a new kind of ionospheric model(SEID),and it is adapted for near real-time weather monitoring based on the characteristics of data processing for large network.The effects of this strategy in different size of reference network have been studied through serial analysis of a example of SXCORS.For reference network with averaged separation shorter than 249 km in Shanxi Province,we can gain regional PWV within 1~2 mm using single frequency observations.