
Parallel Processing of Remote Sensing Image Based on Pipeline

  • 摘要: 针对现有的OpenMP和直接的线程并行法难以对遥感影像处理链进行加速的问题,引入流水线概念对复杂的功能链进行并行加速,提出了基于流水线技术的遥感影像并行处理方法。影像处理实验验证了流水线在遥感影像多级连续处理方面的优势。


    Abstract: Existing OpenMP and thread-level parallel algorithms simply do not work when speedup the processing chain of remote sensing image.The pipeline is used to process this complex image processing chain on multi-core platforms.A parallel image processing method based on pipeline is presented.The realization of the software pipeline and how the large mission is divided to meet processing based on pipeline are discussed in detail.The advantages of the pipeline technology used in the chain-processing of remote sensing image are proved in the experiment.


