Detection and Repair of Cycle Slips Using Improved TurboEdit Algorithm and Chebyshev Polynomial Method
摘要: 根据利用TurboEdit方法对GPS观测数据进行周跳探测的特点,设计了固定弧段长度的滑动窗口拟合模型,对其中的Geometry-Free组合法进行改进;在探测出周跳后,利用最小二乘Chebyshev多项式拟合来修复周跳。实验结果表明,改进后的TurboEdit算法可以探测出等周的1周小周跳、等周的大周跳和连续的小周跳、大周跳,同时,最小二乘Chebyshev多项式拟合可以精确修复以上周跳对。Abstract: Based on the characteristics of TurboEdit algorithm for GPS observation data cycle slips detection,a fixed length sliding window fitting model which makes the improvement to Geometry-Free combination method has been designed.A cycle slip repair algorithm which uses least square Chebyshev polynomial fitting method to repair cycle slips is proposed.The experimental results show that the improved TurboEdit algorithm can detect equal-cycle such as one cycle of small cycle slips,big cycle slips and successive small and big cycle slips,The least square Chebyshev polynomial fitting can also repair cycle slips more precisely and thus lays the foundation for subsequent data processing.