
Integrating Representation of Topological Relationships and Direction Relationships and Their Inter-restriction

  • 摘要: 提出了一种拓扑关系和方向关系组合描述框架,在统一的框架下研究拓扑和方向关系。采用9交模型描述拓扑关系,方向关系矩阵模型表达方向关系,并给出了有意义的方向片组合,将两者统一到一个框架下进行描述。在统一描述框架下,拓扑关系与方向关系相互约束。阐述了7个定理及其证明,描述了拓扑关系与方向关系之间的相互约束,实现拓扑关系和方向关系有效性的相互检测。拓扑关系和方向关系组合描述能够提高空间关系描述的准确性和有效性。


    Abstract: An integrating representation method of the topological and direction relationships is proposed.Nine intersection model and direction relation matrix are used to depict the two relationships separately.Topological relationships and direct relationships are represented by 3×3 matrix respectively,so we proposed to use 3×6 matrix to depict topological and direct relationships in an unified framework.Based on the Goyal's research on direction relationships,additional 163 types of direction relationships are illustrated for linear object as source spatial object.In an uniform framework,seven theorems and their mathematical proofs for the inter-restriction of topological and direction relationships are set forth.This integration representation method can improve the representation effect of spatial relationships.


